Clerical and Administrative Contractor (Company) Agreement


A Clerical and Administrative Contractor (Company) Agreement is a legally binding contract between a company and a contractor engaged to provide clerical and administrative services. In England and Wales, such agreements are governed by contract law and must adhere to relevant legislation. This expert guide provides comprehensive insights into drafting and understanding Clerical and Administrative Contractor Agreements in compliance with UK laws.

Contractual Parties and Definitions

Begin by clearly identifying the contracting parties: the company (the hiring entity) and the contractor (the individual or entity providing clerical and administrative services).

Define key terms such as “clerical services,” “administrative services,” “compensation,” “confidentiality,” and any other relevant terms to avoid ambiguity and ensure mutual understanding.

Scope of Services and Responsibilities

Specify the scope of clerical and administrative services to be provided by the contractor, including tasks such as data entry, document management, scheduling, and correspondence handling.

Clearly outline the responsibilities of both parties, including deadlines, quality standards, communication protocols, and compliance with company policies and procedures.

Duration and Termination

Define the duration of the agreement, specifying the start date and end date or outlining the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated.

Include provisions for termination by either party with or without cause, along with notice periods and any applicable termination fees or penalties.

Compensation and Payment Terms

Outline the compensation structure, including the rate of pay, invoicing procedures, and frequency of payment.

Specify any additional expenses or reimbursements to which the contractor may be entitled, such as travel expenses or office supplies.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

Include robust confidentiality clauses to protect sensitive information shared between the parties during the course of the contract.

Ensure compliance with data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), by outlining the contractor’s obligations regarding the handling and processing of personal data.

Intellectual Property Rights

Address ownership of intellectual property created or developed during the term of the agreement, clarifying whether rights belong to the company or the contractor.

Specify any licensing or usage rights granted to the company for materials produced by the contractor in the course of providing services.

Health and Safety Compliance

Require the contractor to comply with all health and safety regulations applicable to the provision of clerical and administrative services.

Specify any health and safety training requirements or equipment provided by the company to ensure a safe working environment.

Dispute Resolution and Governing Law

Include mechanisms for resolving disputes arising from the agreement, such as mediation, arbitration, or litigation, to expedite resolution and minimise legal costs.

Specify that the agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales and identify the courts or arbitration forums with jurisdiction over any disputes.

Insurance and Indemnification

Require the contractor to maintain appropriate insurance coverage, such as professional indemnity insurance, to protect against liabilities arising from the provision of services.

Include indemnification clauses to protect the company from losses or damages resulting from the contractor’s actions or omissions.

Non-Solicitation and Non-Compete

Prohibit the contractor from soliciting or poaching employees or clients of the company during the term of the agreement and for a specified period thereafter. – Include non-compete clauses to prevent the contractor from engaging in similar work for competitors of the company within a defined geographic area or industry sector.


Drafting a Clerical and Administrative Contractor (Company) Agreement requires careful consideration of the parties’ rights, responsibilities, and legal obligations under UK law. By following the guidelines outlined in this expert guide, companies and contractors can establish clear expectations, minimise risks, and ensure a mutually beneficial working relationship. It is advisable to seek legal advice when drafting or entering into such agreements to ensure compliance with applicable laws and protection of rights and interests.


What is a Clerical and Administrative Contractor (Company) Agreement?

A Clerical and Administrative Contractor (Company) Agreement is a legally binding contract between a company and a contractor engaged to provide clerical and administrative services, outlining the terms and conditions of their working relationship.

Who is typically involved in a Clerical and Administrative Contractor Agreement?

The parties involved in this agreement are the company (the hiring entity) and the contractor (the individual or entity providing clerical and administrative services).

What types of services are covered under this agreement?

Services covered may include data entry, document management, scheduling, correspondence handling, office support tasks, and other administrative duties as agreed upon by the parties.

How long does a Clerical and Administrative Contractor Agreement typically last?

The duration of the agreement can vary and is typically determined based on the needs of the company and the scope of work required. It may range from short-term contracts to ongoing arrangements.

What are the key components of a Clerical and Administrative Contractor Agreement?

Key components include scope of services, duration of the agreement, compensation, confidentiality provisions, termination clauses, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

How is the contractor compensated under this agreement?

Compensation may be based on an hourly rate, project-based fee, or other mutually agreed-upon terms. Payment terms, invoicing procedures, and any additional expenses should be clearly outlined in the agreement.

Can the company terminate the agreement before its completion?

Yes, the agreement typically includes provisions for termination by either party with or without cause, subject to specified notice periods and any applicable termination fees or penalties.

Are contractors required to maintain confidentiality?

Yes, contractors are usually required to maintain confidentiality regarding proprietary or sensitive information disclosed during the course of their work and comply with data protection laws.

What happens if there is a dispute between the company and the contractor?

The agreement should include mechanisms for resolving disputes, such as mediation, arbitration, or litigation, to facilitate timely resolution and minimise legal costs.

Is it advisable to seek legal advice before entering into a Clerical and Administrative Contractor Agreement?

Yes, it is advisable for both parties to seek legal advice to ensure that the agreement complies with applicable laws and regulations and adequately protects their rights and interests.

This Clerical and Administrative Contractor (Company) Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on [Date], by and between [Company Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Company,” and [Contractor’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor.”

Scope of Services

  • The Contractor agrees to provide clerical and administrative services to the Company, including but not limited to [Description of services].
  • The scope of services shall be further detailed in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

Term of Agreement

  • This Agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue for a period of [Duration] months/years, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions herein.


  • The Company shall compensate the Contractor at the rate of [Rate] per [Hour/Day/Project], as specified in Exhibit B.
  • Payment shall be made [Specify payment terms: e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, monthly] upon satisfactory completion of services.


  • The Contractor shall perform the services with due diligence, in a professional manner, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • The Company shall provide necessary resources, access to systems, and any other support required for the completion of services.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

  • Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or sensitive information shared during the term of this Agreement.
  • The Contractor shall comply with data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and handle personal data in accordance with Company policies.

Intellectual Property Rights

  • Any intellectual property created or developed by the Contractor in the course of providing services shall be owned by the Company.
  • The Contractor grants the Company a non-exclusive license to use any intellectual property created or developed during the term of this Agreement.


  • Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [Specify notice period: e.g., 30 days] written notice to the other party for any reason or no reason at all.
  • In the event of termination, the Contractor shall be compensated for services rendered up to the date of termination.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  • This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
  • Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Entire Agreement

  • This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Company’s Signature] [Contractor’s Signature] [Company’s Name] [Contractor’s Name] [Date] [Date]


Jack Mitchell