Childminder Terms & Conditions

Childminder Terms & Conditions

Childminder Terms & Conditions

Please carefully read the following terms and conditions that govern the provision of childcare services by THP Shop. These terms are aligned with the laws of England and Wales.

Service Agreement

This agreement outlines the terms under which childcare services will be provided by THP shop.

Service Commencement

Childcare services will commence on the agreed-upon start date.
Parents/Guardians agree to provide all necessary information about the child’s health, dietary needs, and emergency contact details.

Fees and Payment

Fees for childcare services will be agreed upon and communicated in advance.
Payment terms, methods, and late payment charges will be outlined in the agreement.

Service Hours

The normal operating hours of the childminding service will be specified.
Additional charges may apply for early drop-offs or late pickups.

Health and Safety

Parents/Guardians agree to inform the childminder of any allergies, health conditions, or medication requirements of the child.
Ill children should not be brought to the childminding setting to prevent the spread of illness to other children.

Child Pickup and Drop-off

Parents/Guardians are responsible for dropping off and picking up their child promptly.
The childminder should be informed of any changes to the pickup arrangements in advance.

Cancellation and Termination

A notice period for termination of childcare services will be specified.
The childminder reserves the right to terminate services immediately for non-payment or if the parents/guardians breach the terms and conditions.

Absences and Holidays

Parents/Guardians should inform the childminder in advance of any planned absences or holidays.
Fees may still apply during planned absences to secure the child’s place.


Regular communication between the childminder and parents/guardians is encouraged.
Important information about the child’s well-being, development, and any concerns will be shared promptly.


The childminder agrees to keep all information about the child and family confidential.
Information will only be shared with relevant authorities or individuals in case of emergency or as required by law.

Discipline and Behavior

The childminder will employ positive discipline techniques and will discuss any behavioral concerns with parents/guardians.
Aggressive or disruptive behavior may result in the termination of childcare services.


The childminder will maintain appropriate insurance coverage for the provision of childcare services.

Dispute Resolution

Any disputes will be resolved through negotiation or, if necessary, through legal channels in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

Governing Law

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales.
Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Contact Information

THP shop

16 Cresent Road, Worthing, BN111RL, United Kingdom

[email protected]

[Phone Number]

By proceeding with childcare services, parents/guardians agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

George Harris