Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request

Introduction to Data Subject Rights

Data subjects in England and Wales have rights to access and control their personal data held by organizations under GDPR. These rights include the right to request access to their data, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, objection to processing, and rights related to automated decision-making.

Purpose of the Data Subject Rights Letter

The Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request serves as a formal acknowledgment by a data controller or processor of a data subject’s request for information and any associated fees. It outlines the process for handling the request in compliance with data protection laws.

Legal Framework and Compliance

Under GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, organizations must respond to data subject requests within specific timeframes and provide information about the data processing activities related to the individual’s personal data. Failure to comply can result in regulatory action and fines.

Components of the Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request

The letter typically includes the following components

  • Acknowledgment of Request: Confirmation that the organization has received the data subject’s request for information.
  • Description of Rights: Explanation of the data subject’s rights under GDPR and how they can be exercised.
  • Request for Verification: Request for verification of the data subject’s identity to ensure secure processing of the request.
  • Fee Request: If applicable, notification of any fees associated with the request and instructions for payment.
  • Timeline for Response: Commitment to respond to the request within the statutory timeframe (usually within one month) or an extension period if necessary.
  • Contact Information: Details of how the data subject can contact the organization for further information or assistance.

 Handling Fee Requests

Under GDPR, organizations may charge a reasonable fee for repetitive or excessive requests, based on administrative costs. The fee should be justified and communicated clearly to the data subject in the acknowledgment letter.


The Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request is a crucial document for organizations handling data subject requests in England and Wales. By adhering to GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 requirements, organizations can ensure transparency, accountability, and legal compliance in managing individuals’ personal data.

What is a Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request?

A Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request is a formal document issued by an organization in response to an individual’s request to access their personal data. It acknowledges receipt of the request and may include a request for a fee if permissible under data protection laws.

When is a Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request necessary?

It is necessary when an organization receives a data subject’s request to exercise their rights under data protection laws, such as the right of access or right to rectification, and when the organization intends to charge a fee for processing the request.

What should be included in a Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request?

The letter typically includes acknowledgment of the request, details of the requested rights under GDPR, instructions for verifying the data subject’s identity, information on any applicable fees, the organization’s contact details, and a timeline for responding to the request.

Can an organization charge a fee for processing a data subject’s request?

Yes, under certain circumstances. GDPR allows organizations to charge a reasonable fee for administrative costs if a data subject’s request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly if it is repetitive.

How should a data subject pay the fee for their request?

The Data Subject Rights Letter should provide instructions on how the fee should be paid, such as through electronic transfer or cheque. It should also specify the currency and acceptable methods of payment.

What happens if a data subject refuses to pay the requested fee?

If a data subject refuses to pay the requested fee and the fee is justified under GDPR, the organization may suspend processing the request until the fee is paid. However, the organization must inform the data subject of this consequence.

Is there a specific timeframe for responding to a Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request?

Yes, GDPR requires organizations to respond to data subject requests promptly and within one month of receipt. This timeframe can be extended by two additional months for complex or numerous requests, but the data subject must be informed within one month of receipt of the request.

Can a data subject withdraw their request after submitting a Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request?

Yes, data subjects have the right to withdraw their request at any time. The organization should confirm receipt of the withdrawal and cease processing the request promptly, informing the data subject accordingly.

What rights does a data subject have if they are dissatisfied with the organization’s response to their request?

If a data subject is dissatisfied with the organization’s response to their request, they have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) in the UK or another relevant supervisory authority in their jurisdiction.

Is a Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request the same as a Subject Access Request (SAR)?

Yes, a Data Subject Rights Letter – Acknowledgement + Fee Request is typically used to acknowledge and manage a Subject Access Request (SAR), which is a specific type of request for access to personal data under GDPR.

[Your Organization’s Letterhead]


[Data Subject’s Name] [Data Subject’s Address]

Dear [Data Subject’s Name],

Re: Acknowledgement of Data Subject Rights Request and Fee Requirements

We acknowledge receipt of your request dated [Date of Request] regarding your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Specifically, you have requested [briefly describe the nature of the request, e.g., access to personal data, rectification, etc.].

To process your request effectively and in compliance with data protection laws, we kindly request the following:

Verification of Identity: Please provide proof of your identity to ensure the security and accuracy of the information we provide. Acceptable forms of identification include [list acceptable forms, e.g., passport, driver’s license].

Fee Payment: In accordance with GDPR provisions, there may be a fee associated with processing your request. The fee is [state amount, if applicable] to cover administrative costs incurred in responding to your request. Please remit the fee by [state deadline, e.g., within 30 days] to [provide payment details, e.g., bank account information or payment instructions].

Once we have received the above information and any applicable fee, we will proceed with processing your request promptly and aim to respond within the statutory timeframe of one month, unless the request is complex or numerous, in which case we may extend this period by an additional two months.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer at [Contact Information].

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

George Harris