Employment Business Representation Offer for Temporary Worker

Employment Business Representation Offer for Temporary Worker

THP Shop

Representation Offer for Temporary Worker

Dear [Temporary Worker’s Name],

We are delighted to extend to you the opportunity to be represented by THP Shop as a temporary worker. This offer outlines the terms of our engagement and the representation services we provide in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

Representation Services

By accepting this offer, you grant THP Shop the exclusive right to represent you to potential clients for temporary work assignments. This includes the negotiation of terms, contractual agreements, and any necessary arrangements on your behalf.

Duration of Representation

This representation offer is valid for a period of [Specify Duration], commencing on [Start Date]. During this period, we will actively seek suitable temporary work assignments for you.

Temporary Work Assignments

We will strive to match your skills, experience, and preferences with appropriate temporary work assignments. You have the right to accept or decline any assignment offered to you. Our aim is to secure opportunities that align with your professional goals and aspirations.

Fees and Payment

As our represented temporary worker, you are not required to pay any fees for our representation services. Fees will be negotiated directly with the client, and your agreed-upon pay rate will be communicated to you transparently before each assignment.

Termination of Representation

Either party may terminate this representation offer by providing written notice in accordance with the terms specified. In the event of termination, any ongoing assignments will be completed in accordance with agreed terms.

Data Protection

We will process your personal data in compliance with data protection laws. For more details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This representation offer is governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

We look forward to representing you and facilitating rewarding temporary work opportunities. Please sign and return a copy of this offer to indicate your acceptance.


THP Shop

23 November 2023

George Harris