Fixed Term Sub-Contractor (Company) Agreement


A Fixed Term Sub-Contractor Agreement is a legally binding contract between a contractor and a subcontractor, outlining the terms and conditions of their working relationship for a specified period. In England and Wales, such agreements are governed by contract law and must adhere to relevant legislation. This expert guide provides comprehensive insights into drafting and understanding Fixed Term Sub-Contractor Agreements in compliance with UK laws.

 Contractual Parties and Definitions

Begin the agreement by clearly identifying the parties involved: the contractor (the main contractor) and the subcontractor (the party hired to perform specific tasks or services).

Define key terms such as “fixed term,” “scope of work,” “compensation,” “termination,” and any other relevant terms to avoid ambiguity and ensure mutual understanding.

Scope of Work and Responsibilities

Specify the scope of work to be performed by the subcontractor, including the nature of services, deliverables, quality standards, and deadlines.

Clearly outline the responsibilities of both parties, including any obligations regarding materials, equipment, health and safety, and compliance with relevant regulations.

Fixed Term and Duration

Clearly state the duration of the agreement, specifying the start date and end date of the fixed term.

Include provisions for any extensions or renewals of the contract, along with the procedure for giving notice of termination.

Payment Terms and Compensation:

Outline the payment terms, including the method and frequency of payment, rates, and any applicable taxes or deductions.

Specify the compensation structure, such as hourly rates, project-based fees, or milestone payments, ensuring clarity to avoid disputes.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

Include confidentiality clauses to protect sensitive information shared between the parties during the course of the contract.

Require the subcontractor to maintain confidentiality both during and after the termination of the agreement, safeguarding the contractor’s proprietary information.

Intellectual Property Rights

Address ownership of intellectual property rights related to work produced during the contract term.

Specify whether the contractor or subcontractor retains ownership of any intellectual property created, developed, or used in connection with the project.

Termination and Dispute Resolution

Include provisions for termination of the agreement by either party, outlining the circumstances and procedures for termination.

Specify mechanisms for resolving disputes, such as mediation, arbitration, or litigation, to expedite resolution and minimise legal costs.

Health and Safety Compliance

Ensure that the subcontractor complies with all health and safety regulations applicable to the scope of work.

Require the subcontractor to provide evidence of appropriate insurance coverage and adherence to health and safety standards.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Specify that the agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales, and identify the courts or arbitration forums with jurisdiction over any disputes arising from the contract.

Signatures and Execution

Conclude the agreement with signature blocks for both parties, indicating their acceptance and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined in the Fixed Term Sub-Contractor Agreement.


Drafting a Fixed Term Sub-Contractor (Company) Agreement requires careful attention to detail and compliance with relevant laws and regulations in England and Wales. By following the guidelines outlined in this expert guide, contractors and subcontractors can establish clear expectations, minimise risks, and ensure a mutually beneficial working relationship. It is advisable to seek legal advice when drafting or entering into such agreements to ensure compliance with applicable laws and protection of rights and interests.

What is a Fixed Term Sub-Contractor (Company) Agreement?

A Fixed Term Sub-Contractor (Company) Agreement is a legally binding contract between a contractor and a subcontractor, specifying the terms and conditions of their working relationship for a predetermined period.

Who is considered the contractor in a Fixed Term Sub-Contractor Agreement?

The contractor is the primary party who hires a subcontractor to perform specific tasks or services within a defined timeframe.

What is the role of the subcontractor in this agreement?

The subcontractor is responsible for completing the assigned tasks or services outlined in the agreement within the agreed-upon timeframe and meeting quality standards specified by the contractor.

How long does a Fixed Term Sub-Contractor Agreement typically last?

The duration of the agreement is predetermined and specified as a fixed term, which can range from weeks to months or even years, depending on the scope of work and project requirements.

What are the key components of a Fixed Term Sub-Contractor Agreement?

Key components include the scope of work, duration of the contract, payment terms, responsibilities of both parties, termination clauses, confidentiality agreements, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Can a Fixed Term Sub-Contractor Agreement be extended or renewed?

Yes, the agreement may include provisions for extensions or renewals, subject to mutual agreement between the contractor and subcontractor and compliance with any notice requirements.

What happens if either party breaches the terms of the agreement?

Breach of contract may result in various consequences, such as termination of the agreement, financial penalties, or legal action, depending on the severity of the breach and the terms outlined in the agreement.

Are subcontractors required to carry insurance or adhere to health and safety regulations?

Yes, subcontractors are typically required to carry appropriate insurance coverage and comply with health and safety regulations relevant to the scope of work outlined in the agreement.

Can subcontractors subcontract work to third parties under this agreement?

Subcontractors may be allowed to subcontract work to third parties with the contractor’s consent, provided that such arrangements are clearly specified in the agreement and do not breach any terms or conditions.

Is it advisable to seek legal advice before entering into a Fixed Term Sub-Contractor Agreement?

Yes, it is advisable for both contractors and subcontractors to seek legal advice to ensure that the agreement complies with applicable laws and regulations and adequately protects their rights and interests.

This Fixed Term Sub-Contractor (Company) Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on [Date], by and between [Contractor’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor,” and [Subcontractor’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Subcontractor.”

Scope of Work

  • The Subcontractor agrees to perform the following services: [Description of services].
  • The scope of work shall include [Specific tasks or deliverables], as outlined in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

Term of Agreement

  • This Agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue for a fixed term of [Duration] months/years, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions herein.


  • The Contractor shall compensate the Subcontractor for services rendered at the rate of [Rate] per [Hour/Day/Project], as specified in Exhibit B.
  • Payment shall be made [Specify payment terms: e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, monthly] upon satisfactory completion of services.


  • The Subcontractor shall perform the services with due diligence, in a timely manner, and in accordance with industry standards.
  • The Contractor shall provide necessary materials, equipment, and information required for the completion of the services.


  • Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or sensitive information disclosed during the term of this Agreement.
  • The Subcontractor shall not disclose or use any confidential information for any purpose other than performing the services outlined herein.


  • Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [Specify notice period: e.g., 30 days] written notice to the other party for any reason or no reason at all.
  • In the event of termination, the Subcontractor shall be compensated for services rendered up to the date of termination.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  • This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
  • Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Entire Agreement

  • This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Contractor’s Signature] [Subcontractor’s Signature] [Contractor’s Name] [Subcontractor’s Name] [Date] [Date]

Joseph Turner
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