Guidance Note: TIGA (Torts Interference with Goods) Act 1977

Guidance Note: TIGA (Torts Interference with Goods) Act 1977

Guidance Note: Torts Interference with Goods Act 1977 (TIGA)


This guidance note provides an overview of the Torts Interference with Goods Act 1977 (TIGA) and its implications in the legal landscape of England and Wales.

Overview of TIGA

The Torts Interference with Goods Act 1977 outlines legal principles governing the relationship between individuals and their goods, focusing on wrongful interference or damage to personal property.

TIGA establishes the rights and remedies available to individuals whose goods are wrongfully interfered with, addressing issues such as wrongful taking, withholding, or damaging of goods.

Key Provisions

TIGA establishes the concept of wrongful interference with goods, encompassing actions such as conversion, detinue, and trespass to goods.

The Act provides individuals with the right to recover damages for loss resulting from the wrongful interference with their goods.

TIGA distinguishes between actions against wrongdoers who have intentionally interfered with goods and those who have acted negligently.

Remedies Under TIGA

Remedies available under TIGA include damages for loss or depreciation in the value of goods, as well as specific recovery of the goods themselves.

TIGA empowers the court to award damages based on the market value of the goods, the loss of use, or any other foreseeable loss resulting from the interference.

Defenses and Limitations

TIGA recognizes certain defenses, such as the claimant’s consent to the interference or the defendant’s lawful authority to act.

The Act also includes limitations on the time within which a claim must be brought, emphasizing the importance of timely legal action.

Application of TIGA in Commercial Transactions

TIGA is particularly relevant in commercial transactions, as it provides a legal framework for addressing disputes related to the interference with goods in the business context.

Businesses should be aware of their obligations and potential liabilities under TIGA when dealing with goods owned by others.


TIGA plays a crucial role in safeguarding property rights and providing legal recourse for individuals whose goods are subject to wrongful interference.

It is essential for individuals and businesses to be familiar with the provisions of TIGA to ensure compliance with the law and to protect their interests in matters involving goods.

This guidance note provides a general overview of TIGA and is not a substitute for legal advice. Individuals and businesses are encouraged to seek professional legal counsel for specific guidance related to their circumstances.

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23 November 2023

George Harris