International Data Transfer Agreement

Introduction to International Data Transfer Agreements

In today’s interconnected world, where data flows across borders are commonplace, ensuring the protection and legality of these transfers is crucial. International Data Transfer Agreements (IDTAs) play a pivotal role in facilitating these transfers while adhering to legal frameworks, particularly under the laws of England and Wales.

What is an International Data Transfer Agreement?

An International Data Transfer Agreement is a legal instrument that regulates the transfer of personal data from one country or jurisdiction to another. It ensures that such transfers comply with data protection laws, specifically addressing concerns about the protection and security of personal data outside the originating jurisdiction.

Legal Basis in the UK: Data Protection Laws

In the United Kingdom, data protection is primarily governed by the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These laws mandate that personal data can only be transferred to countries outside the UK or the European Economic Area (EEA) if adequate safeguards are in place to protect the rights and freedoms of data subjects.

Types of International Data Transfer Agreements

Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs)

SCCs are pre-approved contractual terms issued by the European Commission that can be used by organizations as part of their data protection compliance strategy.

They provide a set of contractual clauses that must be included in agreements between data exporters (organizations transferring personal data) and data importers (organizations receiving personal data).

Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs)

BCRs are internal rules adopted by multinational companies or organizations to facilitate transfers of personal data between their entities across different countries.

They require approval from relevant data protection authorities and provide a framework for ensuring compliance with data protection principles across the organization.

Ad Hoc Contracts

In cases where SCCs or BCRs are not suitable, organizations may negotiate ad hoc contracts that include clauses addressing data protection requirements.

These contracts must meet the standards set out in UK data protection laws and GDPR.

Steps to Implementing an International Data Transfer Agreement

Assessment of Adequacy

Determine whether the destination country ensures an adequate level of protection for personal data as per UK standards. If not, proceed to implement safeguards.

Choose the Appropriate Mechanism

Select the most suitable mechanism for data transfer, such as SCCs, BCRs, or ad hoc contracts, based on the nature of the transfer and legal requirements.

Drafting and Execution

Prepare the agreement ensuring it includes necessary clauses for data protection, rights of data subjects, and responsibilities of both parties.

Approval and Registration

Obtain necessary approvals from data protection authorities where required, especially for BCRs, and ensure compliance with registration or notification obligations.

Monitoring and Review

Regularly monitor the effectiveness of the agreement and update as necessary to reflect changes in data protection laws or business operations.


International Data Transfer Agreements are essential tools for ensuring compliance with data protection laws when transferring personal data across borders from the UK. By implementing appropriate safeguards like SCCs, BCRs, or ad hoc contracts, organizations can protect the privacy rights of individuals and avoid legal liabilities associated with improper data transfers.

What is an International Data Transfer Agreement (IDTA)?

An IDTA is a legal mechanism that regulates the transfer of personal data from one country to another, ensuring compliance with data protection laws.

Why do organizations need International Data Transfer Agreements?

Organizations need IDTAs to ensure that personal data transferred outside their jurisdiction is adequately protected and to comply with legal requirements under data protection laws.

What are Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs)?

SCCs are sets of contractual terms approved by relevant authorities that facilitate lawful data transfers between entities in different countries, ensuring adequate data protection.

What are Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs)?

BCRs are internal rules adopted by multinational companies to govern transfers of personal data between their entities globally, ensuring compliance with data protection principles.

When should organizations use SCCs versus BCRs?

SCCs are typically used for transfers between separate organizations, while BCRs are more suitable for intra-group transfers within multinational companies.

What considerations are important when drafting an International Data Transfer Agreement?

Key considerations include identifying the legal basis for the transfer, assessing adequacy of data protection in the destination country, and specifying rights and responsibilities of both parties.

Are there alternatives to SCCs and BCRs for international data transfers?

Yes, organizations can also use ad hoc contracts with specific data protection clauses tailored to meet legal requirements for international data transfers.

Do International Data Transfer Agreements require approval from regulatory authorities?

Depending on the chosen mechanism (e.g., BCRs), approval from relevant data protection authorities may be required to ensure compliance with local laws.

How often should International Data Transfer Agreements be reviewed?

Agreements should be reviewed regularly, particularly when there are changes in data protection laws or business operations that may impact the legality or adequacy of data transfers.

What are the consequences of not having a compliant International Data Transfer Agreement?

Without a compliant IDTA, organizations risk legal consequences such as fines, legal challenges, and reputational damage for violating data protection laws and compromising individuals’ privacy rights.

George Harris