Press Release – Company Contract Award


A Press Release – Company Contract Award is a formal announcement issued by a company to inform the public, stakeholders, and media about the awarding of a significant contract. This guide provides a detailed overview of how to craft an effective press release aligned with UK English standards and legal considerations under the laws of England and Wales.

Understanding the Purpose of the Press Release

Definition and Importance

A press release serves to publicly announce and celebrate the acquisition of a contract, showcasing the company’s achievements, credibility, and market position.

Target Audience

The primary audience includes media outlets, investors, clients, stakeholders, and the general public interested in the company’s activities and growth.


Key Elements of a Press Release – Company Contract Award

Headline and Subheadline

Craft a compelling headline that grabs attention, followed by a succinct subheadline summarizing the contract award.


Provide a brief introduction detailing the company’s background, the significance of the contract, and its impact on the business.

Contract Details

Include specifics about the awarded contract, such as the client’s name, contract value, duration, and scope of work.

Company Quote

Incorporate a quote from a company spokesperson (e.g., CEO or project lead) expressing gratitude, excitement, and the strategic importance of the contract.

Supporting Details

Include additional relevant details about the contract award, emphasizing unique selling points, innovations, or benefits to stakeholders.

Contact Information

Provide contact details for media inquiries or further information, ensuring accessibility for journalists and stakeholders.


Conclude with a boilerplate paragraph summarizing the company’s profile, industry position, and notable achievements.

Writing and Formatting Tips

Clarity and Conciseness

Use clear, concise language to convey the key message efficiently. Avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse the audience.

Tone and Style

Maintain a professional and celebratory tone throughout the press release, reflecting the company’s brand and values.

Legal Compliance

Ensure compliance with UK laws, including data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR), and avoid making misleading or false claims.

Distribution and Follow-Up

Media Outreach

Distribute the press release to relevant media outlets, journalists, industry publications, and stakeholders using both traditional and digital channels.


Proactively follow up with media contacts to secure coverage and address any inquiries or interview requests promptly.


Crafting a compelling Press Release – Company Contract Award requires careful planning, adherence to legal standards, and effective communication strategies. By following these guidelines, companies can effectively showcase their accomplishments and enhance their visibility within the marketplace. Always ensure the press release reflects the company’s ethos and adheres to UK English standards and legal requirements.

What is a Press Release – Company Contract Award?

A Press Release – Company Contract Award is an official statement issued by a company to announce the successful acquisition of a significant contract, intended for distribution to media outlets and stakeholders.

Why do companies issue Press Releases for Contract Awards?

Companies issue press releases to inform the public, stakeholders, investors, and media about important milestones that demonstrate growth, credibility, and strategic achievements.

Who is the audience for a Press Release – Company Contract Award?

The primary audience includes journalists, industry analysts, investors, current clients, potential clients, and the general public interested in the company’s activities and success.

What information should be included in a Press Release – Company Contract Award?

Key details include the name of the company, the client awarding the contract, contract value, duration, scope of work, significance of the contract, and a quote from a company representative.

How should a Press Release – Company Contract Award be structured?

It should typically include a headline, subheadline, introduction, contract details, company quote, supporting information, contact details for media inquiries, and a boilerplate about the company.

What is the purpose of including a quote in a Press Release – Company Contract Award?

A quote adds a personal touch, expresses gratitude, highlights the importance of the contract, and reinforces key messages about the company’s capabilities and strategic objectives.

How can a company distribute a Press Release – Company Contract Award?

Press releases can be distributed through email to media contacts, posted on the company’s website and social media channels, and sent directly to industry publications and news outlets.

Should a Press Release – Company Contract Award comply with any legal regulations?

Yes, it should comply with UK laws and regulations, including data protection laws (e.g., GDPR), and avoid making misleading or false claims about the contract or the company’s capabilities.

What should a company do after issuing a Press Release – Company Contract Award?

After issuance, the company should monitor media coverage, respond to media inquiries promptly, leverage social media to amplify the message, and update stakeholders on any developments related to the contract.

How can a company measure the success of a Press Release – Company Contract Award?

Success can be measured by media coverage, mentions in industry publications, website traffic, engagement on social media platforms, and overall positive perception among stakeholders and the public.

George Harris