Press Release – Product Update Announcement


A product update announcement via a press release is a strategic approach to inform stakeholders, media, and customers about significant enhancements or changes to an existing product. It is crucial for maintaining customer engagement and reinforcing your brand’s commitment to continuous improvement. This guide provides a comprehensive framework for writing an effective product update press release, ensuring compliance with UK English and the laws of England and Wales.

Purpose of a Press Release for a Product Update Announcement

The primary objectives of a press release for a product update include

  • Informing: Communicate the details of the product update to the media, customers, and industry stakeholders.
  • Promoting: Highlight the new features or improvements to generate interest and encourage usage.
  • Reassuring: Reinforce customer trust by demonstrating ongoing commitment to product quality and innovation.

Structure of a Press Release


The headline should succinctly summarise the key aspect of the product update. It should

  • Be clear and descriptive about the nature of the update.
  • Use active voice and engaging language.
  • Avoid technical jargon to ensure accessibility.

“ABC Corp Unveils Major Update to XYZ Software with Enhanced Security Features”

Subheadline (Optional)

A subheadline can provide additional details or emphasize key benefits of the update.

Example: “New Security Enhancements and User Interface Improvements to Boost Productivity and Safety”


The dateline includes the city and date of the release. It should appear at the start of the first paragraph.

Example: London, UK – 19 July 2024


The introduction should cover the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of the product update. It must

  • Summarise the main points of the update.
  • Highlight the key improvements or changes.
  • Address why these updates are significant for users.


The body of the press release should expand on the information provided in the introduction. It typically includes

  • Update Details: Specifics about the changes or enhancements made to the product.
  • Quotes: Statements from key company representatives or industry experts that offer insight or endorsement.
  • Additional Information: Context about the update, such as development background, expected impact, and any relevant company information.

Example: “We are excited to announce a major update to XYZ Software,” said Jane Doe, Chief Product Officer at ABC Corp. “The new security features and user interface improvements will significantly enhance user experience and protect against emerging threats.”


The boilerplate is a standard paragraph about the company issuing the press release. It should include

  • A brief overview of the company.
  • The company’s mission and values.
  • Key achievements or milestones.

Example: “ABC Corp is a leading technology firm specialising in innovative software solutions. Founded in 2010, the company is committed to delivering high-quality products that drive business success and enhance user experience.”

Contact Information

Provide details for media inquiries, including

  • The name of the contact person.
  • Phone number and email address.
  • Company website.

Example: For more information, please contact: John Smith PR Manager, ABC Corp Phone: 01234 567890 Email: [email protected] Website:

Legal Considerations

In the UK, ensure your press release complies with the following legal and regulatory requirements

Data Protection

Adhere to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 when handling personal data. Obtain consent before including any personal information and ensure data is managed appropriately.

Advertising Standards

If the press release contains promotional claims about the product update, comply with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) guidelines. Ensure all statements are truthful and substantiated to avoid misleading readers.

Intellectual Property

Verify that all content in the press release, including logos, images, and text, does not infringe on intellectual property rights. Secure any necessary permissions for the use of protected material.

Best Practices

Be Clear and Concise

Keep the press release between 400-600 words. Ensure clarity and brevity while covering all essential details.

Use Quotes Effectively

Incorporate relevant quotes to add credibility and a personal touch. Ensure that quotes are directly related to the update and provide value to the announcement.

Proofread and Edit

Thoroughly proofread the press release to eliminate any grammatical errors or typos. Ensure the release is professionally presented and reflects the company’s brand accurately.

Distribute Strategically

Distribute the press release to relevant media outlets, industry publications, and influencers. Consider using a press release distribution service to broaden your reach and maximise visibility.


An effective press release for a product update is essential for communicating enhancements and improvements to your audience. By following the structure and legal guidelines outlined in this guide, you can craft a press release that effectively informs, promotes, and reassures stakeholders, ensuring a successful announcement of your product update.

What is the main purpose of a press release for a product update?

The main purpose is to inform the media, stakeholders, and customers about significant changes or improvements to an existing product, and to generate interest and engagement.

What key elements should be included in a press release for a product update?

Key elements include a compelling headline, a dateline, an introduction summarising the update, a detailed body with specifics about the changes, quotes from key individuals, a boilerplate about the company, and contact information.

How long should a press release for a product update be?

A press release should typically be between 400-600 words, providing enough detail to convey the update clearly without overwhelming the reader.

What is a boilerplate and why is it important in a press release?

A boilerplate is a standard paragraph at the end of the press release that provides background information about the company. It is important because it offers context about the company’s mission, history, and key achievements.

How should the headline of a product update press release be crafted?

The headline should be clear and concise, summarising the main aspect of the product update. It should be engaging, use active voice, and avoid jargon to ensure it is easily understood.

What are the legal considerations for a product update press release in the UK?

Legal considerations include compliance with UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 for handling personal data, adherence to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) guidelines to avoid misleading claims, and respecting intellectual property rights.

How can I ensure the accuracy of the information in the press release?

To ensure accuracy, double-check all facts and figures, verify quotes, and proofread the press release carefully to correct any errors or inconsistencies.

What is the best way to distribute a press release for a product update?

Distribute the press release to relevant media outlets, industry publications, and influencers. Consider using press release distribution services to reach a broader audience and maximise coverage.

How can I measure the effectiveness of a product update press release?

Effectiveness can be measured by tracking media coverage, analysing engagement metrics such as website traffic and social media interactions, and monitoring the volume of inquiries or interest generated.

What should be included in the contact information section of a press release?

The contact information section should include the name of the contact person, their phone number and email address, and the company’s website. This ensures that media and interested parties can easily follow up for more information.

George Harris