Self Employed (Individual) Hairdresser’s Contract (Own Clients)


For self-employed hairdressers in the UK, having a well-drafted contract is essential to establish clear expectations, protect your rights, and ensure smooth business operations. This expert guide provides comprehensive advice on creating a hairdresser’s contract aligned with the laws of England and Wales.

Parties Involved

Identify the parties entering into the contract:

The Self-Employed Hairdresser (You)

The Client(s)

Scope of Services

Define the hairdressing services you offer, including:

Haircuts, styling, coloring, treatments, etc.

Use of specific products and techniques

Any additional services, such as consultations or aftercare advice

Obligations of the Hairdresser

Outline your responsibilities, including:

Providing high-quality hairdressing services in accordance with industry standards

Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in your workspace and equipment

Adhering to health and safety regulations

Ensuring client satisfaction and addressing any concerns promptly

Obligations of the Client

Specify the client’s responsibilities, such as:

Providing accurate information about their hair type, preferences, and any allergies or sensitivities

Arriving on time for appointments

Following aftercare instructions for maintaining hair treatments

Respecting the hairdresser’s time and business policies

Fees and Payment Terms

Detail your pricing structure and payment terms:

Clearly state your fees for each service offered

Specify accepted payment methods (cash, card, online payment, etc.)

Include any deposit requirements or cancellation fees

Specify when payment is due (e.g., at the time of service or within a certain timeframe)

Schedule and Appointments

Establish guidelines for scheduling appointments:

Specify your working hours and availability

Outline the procedure for booking appointments (online, phone, in-person)

Include a cancellation and rescheduling policy to manage your schedule effectively

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

Include provisions to protect client confidentiality and trade secrets:

Ensure confidentiality of client information and personal data

Prohibit the disclosure of proprietary techniques or salon practices

Comply with data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Termination of Agreement

Outline circumstances under which the contract may be terminated:

Include provisions for termination by either party with notice

Specify any penalties or consequences for early termination

Address the return of any client records or materials upon termination

Dispute Resolution

Include a mechanism for resolving disputes amicably:

Specify a process for resolving conflicts or disagreements (e.g., mediation, arbitration)

Determine the jurisdiction and governing law (England and Wales)

Clarify that both parties will make reasonable efforts to resolve disputes before pursuing legal action

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

State the governing law and jurisdiction:

Specify that the contract is governed by the laws of England and Wales

Designate the courts of England and Wales as the exclusive jurisdiction for any legal proceedings arising from the contract


Ensure the contract is signed by both parties:

Include signature lines for the hairdresser and the client(s)

Date the contract to indicate the effective date of the agreement


A well-crafted contract is essential for self-employed hairdressers to establish clear terms, protect their rights, and ensure compliance with UK laws. By incorporating the above components and seeking legal advice if needed, hairdressers can create a solid foundation for their business relationships and foster trust and professionalism with their clients.

What is a self-employed hairdresser’s contract, and why do I need one?

A self-employed hairdresser’s contract is a legal agreement between you (the hairdresser) and your clients, outlining the terms and conditions of your services. It’s crucial for establishing clear expectations, protecting your rights, and ensuring smooth business operations.

What should be included in a self-employed hairdresser’s contract?

Your contract should cover essential details such as the scope of services offered, fees and payment terms, appointment scheduling policies, confidentiality provisions, termination procedures, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

How can I ensure my hairdresser’s contract complies with UK laws?

Familiarize yourself with relevant laws and regulations governing self-employment, consumer rights, data protection, and contract law in England and Wales. Seek legal advice to ensure your contract aligns with these laws.

Can I customize my hairdresser’s contract for different clients?

Yes, you can tailor your contract to suit the specific needs of each client while maintaining consistency in key terms and policies. This allows flexibility while ensuring clarity and legal compliance.

What should I do if a client disputes the quality of my services?

Address service disputes promptly and professionally. Offer solutions such as complimentary corrections or refunds, if appropriate. Ensure your contract includes provisions for handling disputes and complaints.

How should I handle cancellations and no-shows in my hairdresser’s contract?

Your contract should include a policy for cancellations and no-shows to protect your time and income. Specify the notice required for cancellations, any applicable fees for missed appointments, and procedures for rescheduling.

Can I terminate a contract with a client if necessary?

Yes, you can terminate a contract with a client under certain circumstances, such as persistent breaches of the agreement or non-payment of fees. Ensure your contract outlines the grounds for termination and the notice period required.

Is it advisable to seek legal advice when drafting or reviewing my hairdresser’s contract?

Yes, consulting with a legal professional experienced in contract law can help ensure your contract is legally sound and adequately protects your interests. They can provide valuable guidance and ensure compliance with UK laws.

How often should I review and update my hairdresser’s contract?

It’s advisable to review and update your contract periodically, especially if there are changes in your business practices, pricing, or legal requirements. Keeping your contract up-to-date helps maintain its relevance and effectiveness.

How can I educate my clients about my hairdresser’s contract and policies?

Communicate your contract terms and policies clearly to clients before providing services. Provide written copies of your contract for clients to review and ensure they understand their rights and obligations. Open communication helps prevent misunderstandings and fosters positive client relationships.

Joseph Turner
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