Consultancy Agreement – Company – Tripartite Version (Engaging Named Consultant)


Parties Involved

The Tripartite Consultancy Agreement involves three key parties – the company (referred to as the “Client”), the named consultant (referred to as the “Consultant”), and any intermediary or agency facilitating the engagement (referred to as the “Intermediary”).

Scope of Services

Description of Services

Clearly outline the consultancy services to be provided by the Consultant. Specify the nature of the services, deliverables, timelines, and any specific requirements agreed upon by all parties. Ensure that the scope is comprehensive and detailed to avoid misunderstandings.

Terms and Conditions

Roles and Responsibilities

Define the roles and responsibilities of each party involved in the agreement. This includes the duties of the Client, the obligations of the Consultant, and any responsibilities of the Intermediary, if applicable.

Fees and Payment Terms

Consultant Fees

Specify the consultant’s fees, including rates, invoicing procedures, and payment terms. Clearly outline how and when payments will be made, including any provisions for late payment penalties or interest.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

Confidentiality Obligations

Address confidentiality obligations to protect sensitive information exchanged during the consultancy engagement. Define what constitutes confidential information and outline the measures all parties must take to safeguard it.

Intellectual Property Rights

Ownership and Usage Rights

Clarify ownership and usage rights to any intellectual property developed or used during the consultancy. Specify whether the Client or Consultant retains ownership and the extent of usage rights granted to each party.

Indemnity and Liability

Allocation of Liabilities

Allocate responsibilities for any liabilities arising from the consultancy services. Define the extent of each party’s indemnity obligations and limitations of liability to mitigate risks.

Termination and Suspension

Termination Provisions

Outline procedures for terminating or suspending the agreement, including reasons for termination, notice requirements, and consequences. Ensure clarity on how the termination affects each party’s rights and obligations.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Specify that the agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales. Outline procedures for resolving disputes, such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation.

Miscellaneous Provisions

Additional Clauses

Include any additional clauses or provisions deemed necessary, such as force majeure, amendments, entire agreement, and severability clauses. Ensure consistency with the overarching principles of the agreement and compliance with relevant legal requirements.

What is a Tripartite Consultancy Agreement, and why is it used when engaging a named consultant?

A Tripartite Consultancy Agreement involves three parties: the company (Client), the named consultant, and an intermediary or agency. It is used to formalize the relationship and clarify responsibilities in consultancy engagements.

Who are the parties involved in a Tripartite Consultancy Agreement, and what are their roles?

The parties involved are the Client (company engaging the consultant), the named Consultant (providing specialized services), and the Intermediary (if applicable, facilitating the engagement). Each party has specific roles and responsibilities outlined in the agreement.

What should be included in the Scope of Services section of a Tripartite Consultancy Agreement?

The Scope of Services should detail the consultant’s responsibilities, deliverables, timelines, and any specific requirements agreed upon by all parties. It ensures clarity regarding the consultancy services to be provided.

How are consultant fees structured in a Tripartite Consultancy Agreement?

Consultant fees, including rates, invoicing procedures, and payment terms, are specified in the agreement. The document should outline how and when payments will be made to the consultant.

What measures are taken to ensure confidentiality in a Tripartite Consultancy Agreement?

Confidentiality provisions are included to protect sensitive information exchanged during the engagement. These provisions define what constitutes confidential information and outline obligations for all parties to maintain confidentiality.

Who owns the intellectual property developed during the consultancy in a Tripartite Consultancy Agreement?

Ownership and usage rights to intellectual property are clarified in the agreement. It specifies whether the Client or Consultant retains ownership and the extent of usage rights granted to each party.

What are the termination provisions in a Tripartite Consultancy Agreement?

The agreement outlines procedures for terminating or suspending the engagement, including reasons for termination, notice requirements, and consequences. It ensures clarity on how termination affects each party’s rights and obligations.

How are disputes resolved in a Tripartite Consultancy Agreement?

Procedures for resolving disputes, such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation, are outlined in the agreement. It designates the governing law and jurisdiction for any legal proceedings.

What additional clauses or provisions are typically included in a Tripartite Consultancy Agreement?

Additional clauses may include force majeure events, amendments, entire agreement, and severability clauses. These clauses ensure comprehensive coverage and compliance with relevant legal requirements.

Why is it advisable to seek legal counsel when drafting a Tripartite Consultancy Agreement?

Legal counsel can provide guidance on tailoring the agreement to the specific needs and circumstances of the parties involved. They ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, mitigating risks and avoiding potential disputes


[Company Name]

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)

[Consultant Name]

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Consultant”)


[Third Party Name]

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Third Party”)

Date of Agreement: [Date]


This Tripartite Consultancy Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between the Company, the Consultant, and the Third Party for the purpose of [Purpose of Consultancy].


The Company hereby engages the Consultant to provide consultancy services related to [Description of services] to the Third Party.

The Consultant agrees to provide such services with due care, skill, and diligence and to allocate sufficient time and resources to fulfill the obligations herein.


The Consultant shall be responsible for [Specific responsibilities of the Consultant].

The Third Party shall provide necessary support and cooperation to the Consultant to enable the Consultant to perform the services effectively.


This Agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date] unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [Notice Period] written notice to the other party for any reason or no reason at all. In the event of termination, the Consultant shall be entitled to payment for services rendered up to the date of termination.


In consideration for the services provided by the Consultant, the Company shall pay the Consultant a fee of [Fee Amount], payable [Payment Terms].

The Consultant shall submit invoices to the Company for the services rendered, and the Company shall make payment within [Payment Terms] days of receipt of the invoice.


The Company shall reimburse the Consultant for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by the Consultant in connection with the provision of the services outlined in this Agreement, subject to the Company’s prior approval.


The Consultant shall not, during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter, disclose any confidential information relating to the Company’s business, clients, or affairs, except as required by law.

The Third Party shall also maintain confidentiality regarding any information disclosed by the Consultant in the course of providing services under this Agreement.

Intellectual Property

Any intellectual property created by the Consultant in the course of providing services under this Agreement shall be owned by the Company.

The Consultant agrees to promptly disclose and assign to the Company all rights, title, and interest in any intellectual property created during the term of this Agreement.

Independent Contractor

The Consultant is an independent contractor and not an employee of the Company or the Third Party. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for payment of all taxes and other statutory obligations arising from the fees payable under this Agreement.

Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].

Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Company Name]

Signature: __________________________

Print Name: __________________________

Title: __________________________

Date: __________________________

[Consultant Name]

Signature: __________________________

Print Name: __________________________

Date: __________________________

[Third Party Name]

Signature: __________________________

Print Name: __________________________

Date: __________________________

Henry Clark