Co-Location Agreement

Introduction to Co-Location Agreements

A Co-Location Agreement is a legally binding contract between a data centre provider and a client that governs the terms and conditions of collocating IT equipment within the data centre facilities. This guide offers comprehensive insights into the key components, legal considerations, and best practices when drafting and executing a Co-Location Agreement in compliance with UK laws.

Key Components of a Co-Location Agreement

Identification of Parties

Clearly identify the parties involved, including the data centre provider (referred to as the “Host”) and the client (referred to as the “Collocate”).

Description of Services

Define the co-location services to be provided, including the type and amount of space allocated, power and cooling provisions, security measures, and access rights.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Establish SLAs detailing the expected level of service, including uptime guarantees, maintenance schedules, response times for resolving issues, and procedures for reporting and escalating incidents.

Fees and Payment Terms

Outline the fees for co-location services, including recurring charges for space, power, and bandwidth usage, as well as any setup fees or additional charges for out-of-scope services.

Insurance Requirements

Specify insurance requirements for both parties, including liability insurance to cover potential damages or losses arising from equipment failure, security breaches, or other incidents.

Intellectual Property Rights

Clarify ownership of intellectual property rights related to any software, data, or proprietary technologies stored or transmitted through the co-located equipment.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

Include provisions for maintaining the confidentiality of client data and compliance with data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as procedures for data backup and recovery.

Liability and Indemnity

Allocate risks and liabilities between the parties, including limitations of liability, indemnification obligations, and insurance requirements for damages resulting from breaches of the agreement.

Legal Considerations and Compliance

Contract Law

Ensure that the Co-Location Agreement adheres to principles of contract law in England and Wales, including offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention to create legal relations.

Data Protection

Adhere to data protection laws, including the GDPR, when handling personal data as part of the co-location services. Implement appropriate data security measures and data processing agreements where necessary.

Competition Law

Ensure compliance with competition law, including prohibitions against anti-competitive agreements and abuse of dominant market positions, particularly in cases where the data centre provider may also be an internet service provider.

Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution

Specify the jurisdiction and governing law of the agreement as England and Wales. Include provisions for dispute resolution, such as arbitration or mediation, to resolve any disputes that may arise.

Best Practices for Drafting and Executing

Clear and Concise Language

Use clear, unambiguous language to ensure mutual understanding of rights, obligations, and expectations.

Tailored to Specific Needs

Customise the agreement to reflect the unique requirements of the parties and the nature of the co-location services being provided.

Seek Legal Advice

Consult with legal professionals experienced in contract law and IT services to ensure the agreement is legally enforceable and adequately protects the interests of both parties.

Regular Review and Updates

Review the Co-Location Agreement periodically to ensure it remains up-to-date with changes in laws, regulations, and business needs.

What is a Co-Location Agreement?

A Co-Location Agreement is a contract between a data centre provider (host) and a client (collocate) that governs the terms and conditions of collocating IT equipment within the data centre facilities.

Why is a Co-Location Agreement necessary

A Co-Location Agreement is necessary to establish the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties regarding the use of space, power, cooling, and other resources within the data centre environment.

What services are typically included in a Co-Location Agreement?

Services included in a Co-Location Agreement may encompass space allocation, power provisioning, cooling infrastructure, security measures, network connectivity, and access controls.

How is pricing determined in a Co-Location Agreement?

Pricing in a Co-Location Agreement is typically based on factors such as the amount of space occupied, power consumption, bandwidth usage, and any additional services requested by the client.

What are Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in a Co-Location Agreement?

SLAs in a Co-Location Agreement define the expected level of service, including uptime guarantees, response times for resolving issues, maintenance schedules, and procedures for reporting incidents.

Who is responsible for maintaining the equipment in a co-location facility?

The client (collocate) is generally responsible for maintaining and managing their IT equipment within the co-location facility, including installation, configuration, and ongoing maintenance.

What happens if there is a breach of the Co-Location Agreement?

If there is a breach of the Co-Location Agreement, the non-breaching party may have remedies available, such as termination of the contract, seeking damages, or pursuing legal action as outlined in the agreement.

Can a Co-Location Agreement be terminated early?

Yes, a Co-Location Agreement can usually be terminated early by either party with proper notice, as specified in the agreement, subject to any termination fees or penalties outlined therein.

How is data protection addressed in a Co-Location Agreement?

Data protection in a Co-Location Agreement is addressed through provisions for maintaining confidentiality, complying with data protection laws (e.g., GDPR), and implementing appropriate security measures for data stored within the facility.

What legal considerations should be taken into account when drafting a Co-Location Agreement?

Legal considerations when drafting a Co-Location Agreement include contract law principles, data protection regulations, competition law compliance, jurisdiction, dispute resolution mechanisms, and insurance requirements.

Co-Location Agreement

This Co-Location Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into between [Data Centre Provider], hereinafter referred to as the “Provider,” and [Client], hereinafter referred to as the “Client,” on [Date], for the purpose of collocating IT equipment within the data centre facilities owned and operated by the Provider.

Services Provided

The Provider agrees to provide the Client with space, power, cooling, and other necessary infrastructure for collocating IT equipment within the data centre facilities. 1.2 The Client agrees to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement and to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.

Term and Termination

This Agreement shall commence on [Commencement Date] and continue for an initial term of [Initial Term]. 2.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement upon [Notice Period] written notice to the other party for any reason or no reason at all, subject to the terms and conditions herein.

Fees and Payment

The Client agrees to pay the Provider the fees outlined in Schedule A for the co-location services provided, including recurring charges for space, power, cooling, and any additional services requested. 3.2 Payment terms: [Specify payment terms, e.g., monthly, quarterly, etc.], subject to late payment penalties as outlined in this Agreement.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

The Provider shall adhere to the SLAs outlined in Schedule B, which specify uptime guarantees, response times for resolving issues, maintenance schedules, and procedures for reporting incidents. 4.2 The Client acknowledges that SLAs may be subject to change upon mutual agreement between the parties.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any confidential information disclosed during the course of this Agreement and to comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations. 5.2 The Provider shall implement appropriate security measures to safeguard client data stored within the data centre facilities.

Liability and Indemnity

The Provider shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising out of or in connection with the co-location services provided under this Agreement. 6.2 The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Provider from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of the Client’s use of the co-location services.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. 7.2 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Provider Name]

By: ___________________________ [Signature]

Name: ________________________ [Printed Name]

Title: _________________________ [Title]

[Client Name]

By: ___________________________ [Signature]

Name: ________________________ [Printed Name]

Title: _________________________ [Title]


[Outline the specific fees for the co-location services provided, including rates and payment terms.]


[Outline the specific SLA terms, including uptime guarantees, response times, maintenance schedules, and procedures for reporting incidents.]

Henry Clark