Notice of Proposed Sale: Vehicle Repairs etc

Notice of Proposed Sale: Vehicle Repairs etc

THP Shop

16 Cresent Road, Worthing, BN111RL, United Kingdom

23 November 2023

Notice of Proposed Sale: Vehicle Repairs, Storage Charges, and Outstanding Payments

Dear [Customer’s Name],

We trust this notice finds you well. This letter serves as an official communication regarding your vehicle, registration number [Vehicle Registration], currently held at THP Shop for repairs.

Vehicle Details

Make and Model: [Vehicle Make and Model]

Registration Number: [Vehicle Registration]

Date of Drop-off: [Date of Drop-off]

Repairs and Storage

Despite our previous notices, your vehicle remains uncollected, and outstanding repairs, storage charges, and associated costs are pending payment. As a result, we are regrettably forced to consider the sale of the aforementioned vehicle to recover the outstanding amount.

Outstanding Payments

To prevent the sale of your vehicle, we request immediate settlement of the outstanding balance. A detailed breakdown of the services provided, storage charges, and associated costs is enclosed with this notice.

Deadline for Settlement

You are hereby given notice that if the outstanding amount is not settled within [Specify Deadline, e.g., 14 days from the date of this notice], we may proceed with the sale of the vehicle as allowed under the laws of England and Wales.

Payment Details

Payments can be made in person at our premises or via [Your Accepted Payment Methods, e.g., bank transfer]. Please refer to the enclosed invoice for precise payment instructions.

Contact Information

For any queries or to discuss a payment plan, please contact our customer service team at [Your Contact Number] or [email protected].

Legal Notice

This notice is issued in accordance with the laws of England and Wales, and your attention is drawn to the fact that failure to settle the outstanding amount may result in the sale of the vehicle.

We sincerely hope it does not come to this, and we encourage you to settle the outstanding amount promptly to avoid any further actions.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Best regards,

THP Shop

[email protected]

Edward Davis
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