SAR Letter – Receipt of Fee

In the United Kingdom, individuals have the right to access their personal data held by organisations under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Understanding the process of submitting a Subject Access Request (SAR) and the acknowledgment of the associated fee is crucial to exercising this right effectively.

Understanding the SAR Process

What is a Subject Access Request (SAR)?

A Subject Access Request (SAR) is a formal request made by an individual to an organisation to obtain copies of their personal data. This includes information on how their data is processed, stored, and shared.

Is there a fee for submitting a SAR?

Organisations may charge a fee for handling a SAR, especially if the request is deemed manifestly unfounded or excessive. The fee should reflect the administrative costs of responding to the request.

SAR Letter – Receipt of Fee

Acknowledging Receipt of SAR Fee

Upon receiving a SAR and the associated fee, organisations must acknowledge receipt promptly and in writing. This acknowledgment should include

  • Confirmation of Receipt: A written acknowledgment stating that the SAR and fee have been received.
  • Processing Details: Information on how the SAR will be processed, including the timeframe for providing the requested information.

Legal Requirements and Compliance

Organisations in England and Wales must adhere to specific legal requirements when handling SARs

  • Data Protection Principles: Ensure that personal data is processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR.
  • Fee Transparency: Clearly communicate the fee structure for SARs, including any circumstances where fees may be waived or reduced.


Navigating the SAR process requires organisations to uphold individuals’ rights to access their personal data while ensuring compliance with UK data protection laws. By acknowledging receipt of the SAR fee promptly and adhering to legal requirements, organisations demonstrate their commitment to transparency and accountability in data handling practices.

What is a SAR Letter?

A SAR (Subject Access Request) Letter is a formal request individuals can make to organisations to obtain copies of their personal data held by the organisation.

Do I need to pay a fee for submitting a SAR?

Organisations may charge a fee for handling a SAR, especially if the request is complex or excessive. The fee covers administrative costs associated with processing the request.

How much can organisations charge for a SAR fee?

The fee for a SAR must be reasonable and based on administrative costs incurred. Organisations should provide a breakdown of these costs if requested.

How do I know if my SAR fee has been received?

Upon receipt of the SAR and the associated fee, organisations should acknowledge receipt promptly in writing, confirming they have received both.

What information should be included in the acknowledgment of receipt of SAR fee?

The acknowledgment should include confirmation of receiving the SAR and fee, details of how the request will be processed, and the timeframe for responding to the SAR.

Can organisations refuse to process a SAR if the fee is not paid?

Yes, organisations can refuse to process a SAR if the requester fails to pay the required fee. However, they must inform the requester promptly and provide reasons for refusal.

How long does an organisation have to respond to a SAR after receiving the fee?

Organisations generally have one month to respond to a SAR once they have received the fee and all necessary information to verify the requester’s identity.

Can I request a waiver or reduction of the SAR fee?

In certain circumstances, such as financial hardship, individuals may request a waiver or reduction of the SAR fee. Organisations will consider such requests on a case-by-case basis.

What happens if I don’t receive an acknowledgment of my SAR fee payment?

If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your SAR fee payment within a reasonable time frame, you should follow up with the organisation to ensure your request is being processed.

Are there any exceptions where organisations do not charge a fee for a SAR?

Organisations do not charge a fee for a SAR in most cases. However, if the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, or if multiple copies are requested, a reasonable fee may be charged.

Edward Davis
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